Monday, November 05, 2007

last christmas...

when do you start listening to holiday music? i'm not quite ready, but i can feel it coming on. the cold weather is starting to really come along with a bang and i'm getting excited about a cold christmas(last year's was in florida). but how soon is too soon? i don't want to ruin the season by extending it for TOO long, but i also want to enjoy it as much as i can...whaddya think? is the holiday season commercialized for too long each year?


Anonymous said...

We are trying for a little less ba-humbug in our house this year, so I'll start listening with you whenever you'd like!

Lys said...

I'll start listening to holiday music probably around Dec. or so. They are putting up the holiday decorations in Altamonte already and I'll take pics for the blog this weekend.